How Settlement Negotiations Work in Medical Malpractice Cases

How Settlement Negotiations Work in Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice is more common than people realize. Medical malpractice happens anywhere around the globe. In the U.S. alone, 10% of deaths are caused by medical errors or mistakes. It is one of the most challenging trial cases to win, and it often ends up in settlement negotiations. Less than 1% is favored to the…

Common Mistakes Made After Personal Injuries

Common Mistakes Made After Personal Injuries

When we encounter accidents, we often find ourselves confused and angry. Many of the people involved in accidents have not anticipated personal injuries, so it’s understandable if some injured victims are not aware of what to do after a personal injury incident. It’s not unusual for injury victims to make mistakes after having an accident….

How A Personal Injury Lawyer in Baltimore, MD Could Be Key In Getting What You Deserve

How A Personal Injury Lawyer in Baltimore, MD Could Be Key In Getting What You Deserve

Have you recently been injured in a car accident or perhaps you fell in an establishment? If your injury was the result of someone’s carelessness, you may be able to get compensation to help mitigate the effects of lost wages or high medical bills. However, obtaining a settlement for your injury could be a more…

When Police Brutality Results in Personal Injury

When Police Brutality Results in Personal Injury

Police brutality is an issue all around the world, and has been getting more attention from the public and media. With social media being so utilized by the majority of the public, and every smartphone having instant access to a camera, police brutality is starting to be highlighted and shown across all platforms. If you…

Harford County Blues

Harford County Blues

I found myself in Harford County Court quite a bit this past August. I appeared in Harford County Circuit Court twice for pretrial hearings. One client was charged with attempted murder and the other client was charged with driving while suspended, big difference between the two charges. I was able to get a Stet for…

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