Uber/Lyft Passenger Rights in Maryland

Uber/Lyft Passenger Rights in Maryland

Despite their relative youth, ride-sharing services have revolutionized the transportation industry like no other innovation before them. Offerings like Uber and Lyft make it easy to find a ride just about anywhere in the world with the swipe of a finger across a smartphone. They’ve also led to an increased amount of untrained drivers stepping…

Is Driving With Snow on Your Car Illegal?
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Is Driving With Snow on Your Car Illegal?

Last week’s snowstorm and subsequent 48-mile backup that stranded thousands of motorists for up to 20 hours on I-95 in Virginia brought to mind the many ways that driving in inclement weather can go very bad very quickly. Another just-as-serious hazard is the sheet of ice or hard-packed snow that can go flying from the…

Self-Driving Cars in Maryland
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Self-Driving Cars in Maryland

When it comes to the safety of self-driving cars, also known as “autonomous vehicles” or AVs, the pro and con camps remain somewhat divided. In a recent Motional Consumer Mobility Report, 50% of survey respondents said they expected AVs to be readily available in their communities within five years, and right around 50% felt that…

Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Maryland – What to Know and How to Protect Yourself

Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Maryland – What to Know and How to Protect Yourself

Ever had your morning commute ruined when the person behind you suddenly rear-ended your car? Or maybe you’ve gotten sideswiped by an overzealous driver while trying to navigate a busy parking lot. Most of us have been involved in a car accident at some point in our lives. Assuming no one is seriously hurt, these…

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