Harford County Blues

I found myself in Harford County Court quite a bit this past August. I appeared in Harford County Circuit Court twice for pretrial hearings. One client was charged with attempted murder and the other client was charged with driving while suspended, big difference between the two charges. I was able to get a Stet for the client who was charged with driving with a suspended license in Harford County. Stet means that the charge is placed on an inactive docket and as long as you don’t break any laws the State will not prosecute the charge. As for the attempted murder, that case will go to trial or be dismissed. I also appeared in Harford County District Court for a DUI. One thing to remember if you are charged with a DUI in Harford County is that the judges in the district court and the circuit court have a reputation for dishing out some harsh sentences. There are a couple judges who lawyers may want to avoid entirely if possible. Sometimes you have no choice but to proceed with the judge who is on the bench on your trial date. For Harford County DUI cases preparation is key. I always advise my clients to immediately get an alcohol evaluation and to enroll in alcohol education and treatment.
My client was prepared and he needed to be. He had a blood alcohol content that was over double the legal limit. In addition, to alcohol evaluation and classes my client also attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. The judge agreed to give my client the benefit of a probation before judgment. In a Harford County DUI with a high blood alcohol content a probation before judgment is an excellent outcome. Probation before judgment is a disposition that is not a conviction and also prevents any points from appearing on your MVA record. If you are charged with a crime or a DUI in Harford County it is important to hire an attorney who knows how to navigate those hazardous waters. They don’t call it “Hazard County” for nothing! Call The Law Offices of Nicholas A. Parr today for a free consultation.