Recent birth injury lawsuit award is the largest in Iowa history

Recent birth injury lawsuit award is the largest in Iowa history

An Iowa jury’s recent award of $97.4 million to a child and his family as a result of medical malpractice that occurred during his birth is the largest medical malpractice compensation award in Iowa’s history. The suit claimed that the obstetrician and the staff of Mercy Hospital Iowa City failed to act on the information…

Can negligent Pitocin use lead to a malpractice lawsuit?

Can negligent Pitocin use lead to a malpractice lawsuit?

A peptide hormone naturally produced by the human body, oxytocin is associated with social bonding, reproduction, childbirth, and the period immediately after childbirth. Pitocin, a type of synthetic oxytocin, is a medication made from oxytocin. It is injected into a muscle or vein to incite labor by causing contraction of the uterus, increasing the speed of labor, and stopping bleeding immediately following childbirth. However, improper use…

Birth Injuries: What Are They and How Do I Look for Help

Birth Injuries: What Are They and How Do I Look for Help

When parents give birth, they hope for a normal delivery and look forward to a healthy baby. Unfortunately, some parents have to deal with a birth injury in their newborns that can result in disability, diminished quality of life for the child, or the death of the mother or the infant. Types of Birth InjuriesThe…

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