When Police Brutality Results in Personal Injury

Police Brutality Can Lead To Personal Injury Case

Police brutality is an issue all around the world, and has been getting more attention from the public and media. With social media being so utilized by the majority of the public, and every smartphone having instant access to a camera, police brutality is starting to be highlighted and shown across all platforms. If you are interested in learning about what you can do if you or a loved one have been a victim of police brutality, contact us. 

What is Police Brutality?

Police brutality is when a police officer or multiple police officers use excessive force to takedown or subdue a person. In most cases of police brutality, the police have used unnecessary force that wasn’t relevant to the situation. For instance, police have at times felt like the victim was not being as cooperative as they should be, so they use excessive force and harm the victim to make them more cooperative. Examples might be the use of a taser or the use of ketamine to subdue a suspect who is not actively resisting.

What can Count as Police Brutality? 

Police brutality can include but is not limited to: 

  • Injuring the arrestee after being arrested: If the arrestee is already in handcuffs and is not posing a threat to the officer’s life, it is illegal for the officer to punch, kick, or harm the arrestee in any way, shape, or form.
  • Extreme take-downs: Extreme take-downs are only reasonable if the victim is not responding to police and is acting aggressively towards the officers or the public in a manner that can cause harm. Being wrongfully taken down or put into chokeholds when cooperating with the police is not legal and you can take action. 
  • Being beat with a baton after being subdued: Once you have been subdued, it is illegal for an officer to beat the arrestee with a baton. It is also highly discouraged for officers not to aim at the head when using a baton as it can cause brain damage, spinal damage, and even death. 
  • Wrongful use of a taser: While tasers should definitely be used before a gun is, there have been cases where tasers have caused heart attacks and other serious injuries. Depending on the case, you can take action if you were injured by a taser.
  • Wrongful use of a Gun: Guns should be used as a last resort for police. The only time it would be okay for a policeman to use a gun is when their own life or someone else’s life is at danger. Police related shootings are on the rise, and if you or a loved one were wrongfully shot by the police, you can take immediate action.
  • Car Accidents: It is illegal for a police officer to use his or her vehicle as a means to bring yours to a stop. Doing so can cause injuries to drivers and action can be taken if this has happened to you.
  • High speed chases: High-speed chases are discouraged by police departments as they can lead to severe damage, injuries, and are a danger to the public. If you have been the victim of an injury due to a high-speed chase, you have the right to take action.

If you feel like you or a loved one was wrongfully treated by the police, get in contact with us to discuss your case. Police brutality is no longer something that is happening behind closed doors, social media is exposing a lot of police behavior. If you want to speak with a lawyer, visit us at Nicholas Parr Law today!


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