Texting While Driving Causes Increase in Accidents

Whether you like to admit it or not, we have all picked up the phone at least once while behind the wheel. Texting while driving has become such an issue that in most states there is a law prohibiting the act. Not only is texting and driving a way to put yourself at harm, but you are also risking others lives when you decide to pick up the phone while behind the wheel. In fact, in the year 2018 there were 4,367 texting-while-driving related deaths. Every death that happens as a result of texting and driving could have been avoided if the driver just put their phone away.
Why Are Drivers So Distracted in The First Place?
In order for you to stay focused on any task, the given task needs to have your full attention. Because our phones contain so much of our life and have so much activity, they can be extremely distracting. Not too long ago, we all had phones to make calls and texts. Now, our phones are a constant barrage of notifications from emails, social media accounts, and other apps resulting in people of all ages being distracted by their phones at a higher rate than ever.
What You Can Do To Stay Focused on Driving
When it comes to staying focused on driving, it is important to know that you need to free yourself of any distractions that could potentially take your eyes off of the road. Below are some steps you can take to rid yourself of any distractions that your cell phone may cause.
- Silence your cell phone: If you want to ultimately rid yourself of distractions from your phone, your best bet is to silence it or set it to where you can’t receive any calls or texts until you reach your destination. Knowing that your phone can’t receive any notifications while driving will free your mind from wanting to keep checking it. On another note, make sure it’s not on vibrate as the sound of it vibrating may make you want to check on it.
- Glove Compartment: Another step you can take is to place your phone in a glove compartment before you start your drive. Knowing that you have your phone in a hard to reach location will keep you from wanting to grab it and check it.
- Designated Phone Person: If you are driving with someone or with a group of people, choose a passenger that can hold your phone and respond to any texts or calls you may receive.
As a Driver, It’s Your Duty To Be Safe
One thing you need to remember is that as a driver, it is your responsibility to stay safe and distraction-less while driving. Not only will you be putting your life at risk, you are also putting passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers’ lives at risk, too. If you feel the need to pick up your phone while driving, pull over before picking the phone up.
If you’ve been in an accident as a result of texting while driving, Contact Nicholas Parr Law to discuss your options.