Police doing a traffic ticket in Maryland

Maryland’s Point System: How Traffic Tickets Affect Your Driving Record

Getting a traffic ticket can be more than just an inconvenience. In some cases, it can have a lasting effect on your driving record and can lead to everything from increased insurance rates to even a suspension of your license. That’s why, as a Maryland driver, it’s important for you to understand the state’s point…

CCTV security camera operating outdoor ,

Do Courts Get Videos from Traffic Cameras in Maryland?

Do Courts Get Videos from Traffic Cameras in Maryland? If you live in Maryland, then you’re probably aware that the state employs traffic, red-light and speed cameras throughout the state to monitor driver behavior. And while it can be a nuisance to receive a ticket in the mail for going just a few miles per…

Police Report Paperwork
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What can I do if my police report is wrong?

If you’ve been in an auto accident in Maryland, a police report is vital when making a legal claim against a negligent driver. A full report contains crash details, date, location, damages, whether a driver was ticketed or arrested, witness statements, and contact information of all involved parties. And while police reports aren’t considered evidence…

Traffic Light at an Intersection

Should I hire a lawyer to fight a traffic ticket?

It might sound unnecessary to bring in a lawyer to contest a traffic ticket, but moving violations can seriously affect your life, and going to court can get very complicated. As the old English proverb puts it, A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.” You don’t want to be standing before a judge before you…

Self Driving Tech on Tesla Model 3 Registered in Maryland
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Self-Driving Cars in Maryland

When it comes to the safety of self-driving cars, also known as “autonomous vehicles” or AVs, the pro and con camps remain somewhat divided. In a recent Motional Consumer Mobility Report, 50% of survey respondents said they expected AVs to be readily available in their communities within five years, and right around 50% felt that…