Police Report Paperwork
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What can I do if my police report is wrong?

If you’ve been in an auto accident in Maryland, a police report is vital when making a legal claim against a negligent driver. A full report contains crash details, date, location, damages, whether a driver was ticketed or arrested, witness statements, and contact information of all involved parties. And while police reports aren’t considered evidence…

Car Accident with Police Collecting Info

You may be responsible for information after a car accident in Maryland

A recent news story by NBC’s Baltimore affiliate reported that the Baltimore mayor’s office and Baltimore Police Department are experimenting with a new plan to divert some non-emergency calls away from police officers. Currently, both 911 and the police are overloaded with calls that don’t necessarily involve a police response. A pilot program this summer will be rolled out in which third-party contractors…

Uber/Lyft Driver in Maryland

Uber/Lyft Passenger Rights in Maryland

Despite their relative youth, ride-sharing services have revolutionized the transportation industry like no other innovation before them. Offerings like Uber and Lyft make it easy to find a ride just about anywhere in the world with the swipe of a finger across a smartphone. They’ve also led to an increased amount of untrained drivers stepping…

Car with Snow on Top and On Road
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Is Driving With Snow on Your Car Illegal?

Last week’s snowstorm and subsequent 48-mile backup that stranded thousands of motorists for up to 20 hours on I-95 in Virginia brought to mind the many ways that driving in inclement weather can go very bad very quickly. Another just-as-serious hazard is the sheet of ice or hard-packed snow that can go flying from the…

Self Driving Tech on Tesla Model 3 Registered in Maryland
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Self-Driving Cars in Maryland

When it comes to the safety of self-driving cars, also known as “autonomous vehicles” or AVs, the pro and con camps remain somewhat divided. In a recent Motional Consumer Mobility Report, 50% of survey respondents said they expected AVs to be readily available in their communities within five years, and right around 50% felt that…

Car Accident In Maryland with UnInsured Motorist

Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Maryland – What to Know and How to Protect Yourself

Ever had your morning commute ruined when the person behind you suddenly rear-ended your car? Or maybe you’ve gotten sideswiped by an overzealous driver while trying to navigate a busy parking lot. Most of us have been involved in a car accident at some point in our lives. Assuming no one is seriously hurt, these…