Bus Accidents

If You Are Injured In An Accident, Hit By A Car Or Hurt In A Fall, Nicholas Parr Is The Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer You Need.

Nicholas A. Parr is no stranger to bus accident cases. He is an experienced bus accident attorney and handled numerous cases involving devastating bus accidents and bus accidents involving minor injuries.

He has represented clients against just about every bus company in Maryland. Nicholas A. Parr has won bus accident cases against MTA, Charm City Circulator, MTA Mobility, WMATA, TheBus, Annapolis Circulator Trolley, and many other smaller mass transit operators. Buses are referred to as “common carriers” and are held to a standard which requires them to ensure the safety of passengers.

Often injuries occur in buses because they are not required to have seat belts or crash-resistant roofs like standard automobiles.

With passengers not secured  during a bus accident and not protected with a crash-resistant roof, they are more susceptible to injuries, particularly to the spinal cord and brain. In fact, 70 percent of deaths in these accidents are due to passengers being ejected from the bus.

Nicholas A. Parr is an experienced bus accident lawyer and will investigate all aspects of the bus accident that left you or a loved one injured.

He will investigate the driver’s history, view video footage, and visit the scene where the accident occurred. Bus accidents are not always the bus driver’s fault. Often times another car causes the accident. Experienced Baltimore bus accident lawyers know that information needs to be gathered on every vehicle involved in the bus accident. Common causes of bus accidents include:

  • Bus driver negligence
  • Driver fatigue
  • Failure to stop at a stop sign or traffic light
  • Sudden stops
  • Improper bus maintenance
  • Dangerous weather conditions
  • Unsafe lane change
  • Other drivers

Almost all of the major bus companies have videos of the inside and outside of the bus.

MTA, Charm City Circulator, MTA Mobility, WMATA, and TheBus all should make reports and have its own investigation of the bus accident. Nicholas A. Parr is in constant contact with all of these bus companies and knows the best strategies and methods for determining who is at fault. On thing is for sure, the passenger is never at fault and Nicholas A. Parr will do everything he can to get you full compensation for your bus accident claim.

Prevalence of Public Transportation in Baltimore

Baltimore’s mass transit system is dominated by buses due to the lack of an effective subway system. Buses are prevalent throughout Baltimore and the surrounding area which results in a high number of bus accident injuries. Nicholas A. Parr is the Baltimore Bus accident attorney you need if you are injured while riding MTA, Charm City Circulator, or MTA Mobility. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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