Car Accident with Police Collecting Info

You may be responsible for information after a car accident in Maryland

A recent news story by NBC’s Baltimore affiliate reported that the Baltimore mayor’s office and Baltimore Police Department are experimenting with a new plan to divert some non-emergency calls away from police officers. Currently, both 911 and the police are overloaded with calls that don’t necessarily involve a police response. A pilot program this summer will be rolled out in which third-party contractors…

Someone driving a car with one hand on the wheel.

Motor Deaths rose 6% in Maryland, What You Can Do to Stay Safe

When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the country last year, previously crowded highways around major urban centers became quiet as countless workplaces shifted to a work-from-home model. The number of miles driven nationwide dropped by 13.2% compared to 2019. But while there were less drivers on the road, these drivers engaged in riskier behaviors, resulting…

gavel on a document at nick parr law office

How to Choose an Accident Attorney: 3 Factors to Consider

Accidents come in many forms and can result in different kinds of cases, such as vehicular damages, personal injuries and even wrongful death. In a few states like Maryland, the “contributory negligence” rule—which says that a person who is even slightly responsible for an accident will be ineligible for compensation for damages—further complicates these legal…